We praise God that He led you to this website! Surely you are not here by chance. A careful study of what is made available here will affect your life for better or for worse. If nothing else, you will at least learn what true Christianity is all about and what it costs to be a disciple of Jesus Christ!
Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you! for so did their fathers to the false prophets. [Luke 6:26]. This is the maxim with which all followers of Christ should be tested, especially those who are ministers of the Gospel! Always remember, "Where ‘the Word’ is faithfully preached, no crowds or masses will be found". [William Parks of Openshaw].
The apostle said, that the time would come when men ‘will not endure sound doctrine’. They will still endure evangelistic meetings, study seminars, even expository sermons; but ‘sound doctrine’ they will not endure. “The infallible test by which the poor child of God may measure the things now going on in Christendom is this: Anything which is endured today in the religious world cannot be sound doctrine; anything which is approved of, well-attended, popular, is not sound ‘doctrine’. When God raises up His servant, equips him and sends him forth to preach, that servant will necessarily preach the Word, and denounce all that is opposed to the world: hence his message is bound to be unpopular, in fact hated by all who are not regenerated.
Mark it well beloved, that the people to whom the Old Testament prophets, Christ, and the apostles preached were not irreligious! No, indeed, far from it! They were very religious: but they were determined to have a religion of their own, which suited them and they would not tolerate anything which condemned them. Even so, it is now”! (A.W. Pink).
The charge proffered above was literally fulfilled in Pink’s own ministry. In his day, as a preacher, he was an utter failure. Not because of his lack of Scriptural knowledge or oratory skills, but because he refused to be a man pleaser! He not only preached the truth but denounced the lie and let the chips fall where they may!
Unlike many ‘Reformed Theologians’ of our day who Sunday after Sunday keep harping on the obedience which Christ gave to God on behalf of His people, but say next to nothing of that obedience which the Lord requires from those He has redeemed; Pink constantly stressed the importance of obeying the precepts. A High Calvinist himself and second to none in his insight of the Sovereignty of God, he also asserted and stressed the responsibility of man! His experimental handling of the precepts cut down and exposed the loose professors and nominal ‘Christians’ of his day; and they wanted nothing to do with it!
The result! He wound up like his Master – ‘despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and
acquainted with grief’.
This site is dedicated to him and those who desire to imitate him even as he imitated his Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. May God give us more men like A.W. Pink!