The Real A W Pink

A.W.Pink on Hypocritical Singing!

19/06/2010 14:17

With reference to your problem presented by the Baptist minister asking you to ‘lead the singing’ in his Church: First, let me ask you a question: Do you think that if the apostle Paul or John was preaching in Atlanta, to either saved or unsaved, he would have any ‘choir’ or any ‘special’ singing or music? I fully believe it was at this point that that which has most widely ‘quenched’ the Spirit was introduced. Thousands of services open with a thirty-minute sing-song instead of prayer! I am well aware of the fact that if the ‘sing-song’ were now abolished and a prayer meeting substituted the people would not attend, for God will not be mocked with impunity.

 Again modern hymnology has encouraged thousands of people to sing lies. Imagine 500 people – half of whom were at the baseball game on Saturday afternoon, and the movie in the evening – singing on the Sabbath, ‘Oh, how I love Jesus’. How would the officers of that Church regard the preacher if he said, ‘Only truly born-again souls can sing this hymn truthfully, so will the unconverted please not join in singing it’? I know from sad experience, such a preacher soon empties the Church! Again, it opens the door wide for bobbed-haired, face-painted ‘flappers’ to show off in some solo or anthem where they can trill the high notes. And I am not a music hater, but a trained musician, both vocally and instrumentally!

[To Lowell Green, January 23, 1935]



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The Real A W Pink

19/06/2010 13:31

A.W.Pink on Avoiding ‘Formal Worship’!

As far as we can see, there are no other children of God abroad. Our fellow-passengers are given up to sport, bathing, dancing etc. We have kept quite to ourselves. This morning they held ‘Divine service’, conducted by the captain. Many would be shocked to hear we did not attend and join in...
19/06/2010 13:29

A.W.Pink on ‘How to Discern Churches’!

How am I to ascertain whether or not a company of professing Christians (whether in a church, a Bible Institute or anywhere else) will truly help or hinder me? In this way: Does their teaching and influence make my conscience more tender or more callous? Does it emphasize the loftiness of the...
19/06/2010 13:26

A.W.Pink on testing ‘Sound Doctrine’!

Alas, also, real servants of God, sound teachers, have now almost disappeared from the earth. 2Tim 4:3 is now fulfilled before our eyes, men ‘will not endure sound doctrine’. They will still tolerate what is called evangelism, they will listen eagerly to a talk on ‘the signs of the times’...

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